I despise people who get on Xbox and cheat with their friends to get diamond camo or prestige. How can you feel any sense of accomplishment when you know you did not earn what you have??? If you spent as much time earning these rewards as you do cheating and making penis emblems (which I find odd for guys to make in the first place) you would earn stuff yourself and not have to cheat to get them. You are not owed anything, by anyone. Maybe someday, and I said MAYBE, you will grow the hell up and mature and realize what an a$$ you are. Think about someone besides yourself, there are people playing on the team that you are on and you are sitting in a corner with your butt buddy cheating, instead of helping people who are genuinely trying to play and win. And let’s talk about that butt buddy of yours that is letting you shoot them in the head over and over, I would be worried if I thought they had a brain, who is zero and 30 and you my favorite target of jackassedness are 30 and zero and dropping all your UNEARNED score streaks down upon the hard working people trying to play a REAL game.

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    Life Lesson

    Cheaters SUCK!!! I earn what I have, maybe YOU should try it.