The other night, I stumbled across hard core team death match. Even though my friend told me to try it out, I never have; now it is all I play. I don’t feel like I am shooting an entire clip into someone and they jump on the ground, do barrel rolls, reload their gun, ninja over my head, and shoot and
kill me! Oh did I mention, they do all that while standing on their head and eating dinner? Anyway, in hard core it doesn’t matter that you have a modded controller or are even the best player, if someone shoots you, you are dead!! If you spend your time on Xbox being outshot when you shouldn’t, being drop shot, jump shot, or any other stupid ass thing people find to do, go try out  a hard core game.. You won’t be disappointed.

3/5/2013 01:26:14 am

Maybe I should try it out! I try to shoot people while eating dinner but the gun gets in the way of my food!


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    Life Lesson

    Cheaters SUCK!!! I earn what I have, maybe YOU should try it.