I know that your game is developed for 5 year olds and people who act 5 years old, but I am not one of them. If you think, because you put me in the time-out corner for leaving games, that I will stay in your crappy matchmaking, laggy, one-sided games, you are off your claymore. I and many
others who have paid money for this game that has a, to say the least, $hitty matchmaking engine, have a right to not play in any game that we choose. I have been placed in time-out twice since the purchase of Black Ops 2 and I am sure will spend more time in your punishment chair, but I don’t care!!! I willcontinue to leave games that are lagging or that are so lopsided that there is no chance to do well. I will also leave if I damn well feel like it. Maybe you should consider those 5 year olds that you kiss the ass of and realize maybe mommy is making them get offline and you are going to punish them for leaving their current game, oh lordy, who will purchase your next lag game if you keep making them mad? I haven’t even mentioned my favorite jackasses, so let me now. I am in a game and the boosters are in there raining down their well-earned  flurry of score streaks, haha over and over, HEY TREYACRCH SHOULD I STAY????

2/26/2013 01:12:47 am

Very well said!


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    Life Lesson

    Cheaters SUCK!!! I earn what I have, maybe YOU should try it.